Bramley Apple - Violence works in both directions.
This is a project I carried out with my friend and favourite model Martina some months ago, between Italian lockdowns.
Today, 25th of November, “International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women” may be the best moment to publish it for the first time.
I was trying to depict one of the possible outcomes of violence on a woman: SHE MIGHT DECIDE TO FIGHT BACK!
Surely not the best solution to the problem, but this might become one more reason to erase this sick attitude from the smaller male brains out there.
If you respect women, also your life is going to improve... and you might survive to tell.
Not all women are like Desdemona!
I personally respect all my models as human beings, even before becoming my workmates, and I admire their courage for having chosen to display their nudity in such a dumb and prudish World, #BramleyApple would not exist without them.
I know this argument is much bigger than me, but the responsibility of an artist is to filter reality through his own sensibility to provide a powerful message, easy to understand by everybody.
If you think this approach is useful in any way, please consider sharing this project with your friends!
#OrangeTheWorld #25Nov #IDEVAW
01 The door was open, and I found her like this, still staring at her wedding ring. |
02 She must have took it off to wear the knuckle-dusters, before the fight. |
03 When she saw me, the neighbour, she was still willing to fight, but realised I was a friend. |
04 Then she started to remember. |
05 She looked at her husband for the first time, unconscious but still alive. |
06 We checked if she was all right. |
07 Near the window where the light was better. |
08 Front and back. |
09 And cleaned her up to start a new life. |
Bonus picture.
10 Don’t worry, we're just pretending 😉 it’s only ketchup and this is just a story!