Sunday, November 17, 2019

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover.

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

This was a very cold day in Milan, and I told Viktoriia she could keep on the duvet and play with it so she was not going to freeze.
It was not a great prop, but she looks sexy just the same.
I love Viktoriia because she is enthusiast in showing off her body with no false modesty.
“If somebody wants to look, he is welcome, as long as he doesn’t touch”. 
That’s what she says.
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Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

Aggiungi didascalia

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

Bramley Apple - Viktoriia wearing the duvet cover. 

Bramley Apple - Updates 21/09/2021

  Bramley Apple - Updates.   I've not been updating this blog for a long time, but lot's of things are going on elsewhere! If you do...